Swixknife Playground - Explanations and Examples

We use Pyodide and JQueryTerminal for all of this;

In this prompt, you can type Python expressions, then press ENTER to evaluate then and see the results;

TAB triggers completion as usual for terminals;


to clear the terminal;

All of Swixknife’s classes, functions ans constants are already available, along with the following shortcuts:

from swixknife import Sezimal as S, SezimalInteger as SI, SezimalFraction as SF
from swixknife import SezimalDate as SD, SezimalTime as ST
from swixknife import SezimalRange as SR
from decimal import Decimal as D
from datetime import date

Examples to type below (remember to press ENTER to execute):

# Sezimal is “transparent” and “greedy”,
# all number classes are treated as if they were Sezimal aswell,
# except Decimal;
# Mix number types, and all will be treated as Sezimal at the end
S(14) / 13   # 13 is technicaly a decimal integer, but is treated as if it were Sezimal
S(14) * 1.3  # 1.3 is technicaly a decimal float, but is treated as if it were Sezimal
S(14) * 1.6  # This gives an error, because 6 is not a sezimal digit
S(14) * D('1.6')  # This is fine, since Decimals are converted to Sezimals

# This SezimalDate uses the Symmetric Sezimal Calendar

# %_Y formats the year using _ as a separator, that then you can replace
# for something more suitable;
# SHE - Sezimal Human Era
SD.today().strftime('Today is %A, %-d %B %_Y SHE').replace('_', SEPARATOR_NARROW_NOBREAK_SPACE)

# Sezimal Time
# Default format uses ' as separator: #*d #u'#p'#a.#n#b#e #t #V
# #u / #-u / #*u / #*-u = utas with 2 digits, utas with at least 1 digit, * means blank if zero
# #p / #-p / #*p / #*-p = poshas
# #a / #-a / #*a / #*-a = agrimas
# #n / #-n / #*n / #*-n = anugas
# #b / #-b / #*b / #*-b = bodas
# #x / #-x / #*x / #*-x = shaditibodas
# #d / #*d = days
# #t = time zone offset (formatted)
# #T = time zone name
# #z = time zone offset (unformatted)
# #v = DST (boolean)
# #V = DST (string, empty when not DST)

# This is just a range like class, but returns SezimalIntegers instead
for i in SezimalRange(20):
    print(f'This is Sezimal: {i}, and this is decimal: {i.decimal}')

# All Sezimal numbers have a property that returns a string with
# the number formatted using _ as a separator (on both sides of the . if there is one)

# If you need some more fine-grained formatting, use the function sezimal_format;
# pass the number as a string if you want to avoid limitations on the number of digits
# allowed on floats, otherwise, any other number class will do;
# remember that ints and floats will be validated as if they where Sezimal
sezimal_format(12_345_012_345.012_345_12, sezimal_places=12, group_separator=SEPARATOR_COMMA, sezimal_separator=SEPARATOR_DOT, fraction_group_separator=SEPARATOR_NARROW_NOBREAK_SPACE)
sezimal_format('12_345_012_345.012_345_12', sezimal_places=12, group_separator=SEPARATOR_COMMA, sezimal_separator=SEPARATOR_DOT, fraction_group_separator=SEPARATOR_NARROW_NOBREAK_SPACE)
sezimal_format('12_345_012_345.012_345_12', sezimal_places=12, group_separator=SEPARATOR_DOT, sezimal_separator=SEPARATOR_COMMA, fraction_group_separator=SEPARATOR_NARROW_NOBREAK_SPACE)

# Units conversions
10_000 * PADA_TO_METER / 4_344
0.000_1 * PADA_TO_METER * 4_344
(PADA_TO_METER / 100 * 4_344) - D('25.4')  # Difference from the ditipada to an inch
(PADA_TO_METER / 100 * 4_344).decimal - D('25.4')